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How to click on a div in Nightwatch.js
There are many ways to wait then click on a div in Nightwatch.js, however I face the issue of the button not being consistently clicked every time.
Here is a solution I found that will not fail you.
browser.execute(function(selector) {
Here is another option of waiting and clicking for an element. However, with some div elements, I have faced issues of the element not being clicked.
'Keyword Events or Key Press': function (browser) {
.assert.containsText('#result', 'You entered: J')
.assert.containsText('#result', 'You entered: BACK_SPACE')
.url(‘’) — Opens the URL in the browser.
.waitForElementVisible(‘#target’) — Wait for the input box to be visible on the web page.
.click(‘#target’) — Clicks inside the input box.
keys(‘J’) — .keys() is an API method to send key strokes to current element. Here we are sending the alphabet ‘J’.
.assert.containsText(‘#result’, ‘You entered: J’) — Asserting the text ‘You entered: J’ on the web page.