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JavaScript —How to break statement in an array map method

Marika Lam
2 min readOct 4, 2022


Array .map and .forEach are designed to never be stopped. Therefore, you cannot break out of the loop when using those methods. Here are 3 alternative solutions.

Method #1 — emulating a ‘break’

You can emulate the break behaviour by remembering whether the loop is "broken". The lack of this solution is that the loop actually continues (though the iteration logic is skipped).

let isBroken = false; => {
if (isBroken) {
if (item.startsWith("y")) {
console.log("The yessiest colour!");
isBroken = true;

Method #2— ‘some’ method

Using .some you can get iteration functionally similar to .forEach, map or for loop but with the ability to break through return instead.

range.some(function(rangeValue , i) {
if (rangeValue <= enteredValue) {
enteredValue = enteredValue - rangeValue;
return true
percentages.push(enteredValue * 100 / (rangeValue));

Method #3— ‘for loop’

const percentages = [];
let enteredValue = parseInt(, 10);

for(const range of ranges) {
percentages.push(Math.min(100, (enteredValue / range) * 100));
enteredValue -= range;
if(enteredValue <= 0) break;



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